Richland County Conservation District



Location: Near Elmdale Hall
Period Of Record: November 2008 to Present
Latitude: 47° 54' 44.786" N
Longitude: 104° 46' 57.690" W
Elevation: 2251 Feet
Weatherlink Weatherunderground
Current Weather

Current Temp: F
Current Wind: mph from
Current Windchill: F
10 Minute Average: mph
Storm Total: in
Relative Humidity:
Barometric Pressure: -

Today's High/Lows
Todays High: F @
Todays Low: F @HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri,

High Wind Today: mph @
Windchill Day Low: F @
Rain Today: in
Rain Rate: in/hour

Month & Year High/L Month High Temp: F
Month Low Temp : F
Year High Temp: F
Year Low Temp: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: F
Windchill Month Low: F
Windchill Year Low: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: F F
Wind Month High: mph
Wind Year High Mph: mph

Rain Month: in
Rain Year: in